Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Good Times!

Today has been a good day, not overly eventful, but good. Went and had lunch with Jenn(Ezell) and her momma and my momma at Lil' Rosies! Good times!

Then I sent the boys outside for dinner on the trampoline! Isaac and I joined them and he had a great time laughing with what little up and down motion he got from his brothers jumping. Our backyard was filled with all three of my boys laughing and giggling! I love it! Good Times!

P.S. I would have pictures but I needed both hands to hold my sweet baby:)

Friday, March 19, 2010

New Routine!

I stumbled on a new routine that I am really enjoying! Isaac decided to start waking up at 4am for a feeding and I am okay with this because I usually get up a 5 anyway. So I wake up with little bug he eats and we rock and I get some good snuggle time that I dont get much of with the third child. It is totally quiet and he goes right back to sleep and it is a perfect time to pray for him and my other boys. Rock, snuggle, pray..... Does not get much better than that!.

At 5 I make some coffee and then start my quiet time. This is the first time my quiet time is actually quiet, moms you understand this! I am reading through Acts right now and really loving being able to read a chapter without being interrupted. I did not realize how much I missed having a quiet quiet time with the Lord! I am losing an hour of sleep but I find I am in a much better mood after some quiet time with the Lord and then I go work out at 6. I come home ready to go and get so much more accomplished. I kept using the excuse that I could not beat my kids up because that get up so early, so my "quiet" time was a little unconventional to say the least. I asked God to show me how I could better serve Him, and so God fixed this "quiet" time problem for me by making little bug start getting up earlier. God takes care of me!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We had a play date with the Eckleys today and Emily wrote a post about it, so I thought I would just post a link to her website!:)
We had so much fun!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Jesus has super powers!

I was talking with Eli earlier and he said...

E-"mommy, I am going to tell you a story.
K- "okay, what is the story about?"
E- "Jesus!"

So he went through the whole story about Jesus being born in the "barn" and that the angels told the shepherds where he was.

K- "what else did Jesus do?"
E- "mommy! Jesus has superpowers!"
E- "yes he made the waves stop waving and mommy Jesus walked on water!"
K- "really!?" " what other superpowers?"
E- "Pray! He prays! Hey mommy I have that superpower too!"

My heart melted, he is listening!

E- "mommy,(face sad now) Jesus died on the cross!"
K- "why?"
E- "because people are bad."

Yes! he is getting it!

E- " but mommy its okay, Jesus is alive!" "They put him in the temple(he meant tomb) but he moved the stone and came out!"" So its okay!"

I just loved this conversation with my little boy, please join me in praying for his future salvation.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Today was a typical Monday at our house. I had to catch up on some housework that I had let slide over the weekend, all the kids were grumpy from having a busy Sunday and Then I add trying to study for a test that I have to take tomorrow. Sigh...
I struggle with feeling like I am not doing good enough. Does that make sense? If I am cleaning the house than I feel like I am ignoring my kids and same thing with school. Confession, I love being with my kids but, I usually am thinking about what I need to get done that day. I feel bad saying that because I know there are mothers who would love to stay at home with their kids and are not able to. I know in my head that these years are precious, but on some days I just cant seem to cherish them the way I think I should.
My sweet husband often tells me not to put pressure on myself that every mother feels the same way at times. I just want what is best for my kids and that is mother who knows the Lord and lives the example of Jesus Christ. We as parents only have a few years to impact our kids for Jesus and as mother a huge part of their conversion is our responsibility. That is a huge pressure as the primary caregiver! I am working on trusting the Lord, and pray that my sweet children would grow to love Him in spite of what they see in me on Mondays like today. Sorry for getting on my soapbox, my heart just felt heavy after a long day. :)


This is common attire at my house
Eli loves his baby brother! He always wants pictures with him!
They were snuggling after nap time yesterday.
Proof they really love each other!
We had to take daddy to work today b/c we left his car there and I told Micah to go get some clothes on and this is what he came up with. Good thing we never got out of the car!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Isaac's first taste of baby food

Not to sure about the apples

Ultimately he loved it and ate the whole jar

The doc suggested that we give Isaac some baby food + nursing, because he is so big and just demands more calories than most. I felt that this was a good idea since in recent weeks Isaac has gone back to wanting to nurse about every 2 hours. He also quit sleeping through the night. He was waking up twice, which may not seem like a lot but it is considering he has been sleeping all night for a +2 months. After giving him baby food + nursing he slept all night and then did not get up till 9:45am. Now of course I did not sleep that late! But it has been really nice to let Zach be able help feed him and helps Isaac to get use to other people. Now rest assured I am still his main source of nutrition and will be for a long time, just like the Doc recommends:)

Eli bowling and then his face after losing to his little brother!

Micah bowling a 126 to beat his big brother!


So yesterday was really busy, but I got a lot done, which always makes me happy! I went grocery shopping and the I headed out to Kids Market, where I found so many good deals. I think I clothed the 2 big boys for the summer for only $62.00. I am so cheap! I love to save money! I have panic attacks if I spend to much and don't have a lot to show for it!
On a different note, my husband decided that he wanted to get a Wii, for the kids of course.;) So we got one. (funny to say after me talking about how cheap I am. I am okay if he makes the purchase.) So we are having such a good time playing and watching the kids play it. Micah consistently beats Eli in bowling and Eli is so crazy he beats everyone at sword fighting! I will post pictures of the boys playing as soon as I empty my memory card in my camera.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Just had to post this... As I was putting my boys to bed my sweet Eli was giving me a hug and he whispered to me "mommy I love you all the time." Talk about melting you heart! of course my reply was " mommy loves you all the time!" Then I thought this could be a little teachable moment, so I took it further by saying, " you know Jesus loves you all the time too, even when we act ugly he loves you all the time." His reply( which is sweet and funny) " yep that's what the Bible told me!" My kids are so precious, they are a hand full and make me tired but I am so glad I get to be their mommy who "loves them all the time!"

This was not really on the B.R.A.T.S. diet but it made him feel better


I can not begin to say how tired I am of sick children!! I am ready for the sickness and winter to leave! This is really strange for me to say because I love winter, but lately I have not been a fan. Micah has been under the weather since Fri. He is just sick enough where we have to stay home. There have been days since Fri. that I thought that he was well, and then it hits again. Whatever this little bug is that he has is hanging on for dear life. Luckily no one else in the family has gotten it or shows any signs of getting it. Weird! Has it been a wicked winter season for sickness or what?!?!?
With all this said, it is really sweet that all he wants me to do is hold him or lay by him on the couch. I say this because this child does not sit still for long ever, so I am getting lots of snuggle time! LOVE that little guy!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Long, but a good Monday!

I will just start at the beginning... Wake up 5:30am, go workout till 7:00am. While I am gone to the gym, Micah decided he wanted to eat. So, he goes and gets the shredded cheese:) I have to smile because he picks the one food in the refrigerator that is impossible to not make a mess. So of course I walk in the door from working out and I should have known that he had gotten into to something that he shouldn't have because as I was trying to unlock the front door he was trying to lock it back. Little stinker! I come in and see a mound of cheese on the kitchen table. At least he sat at the table! Needless to say I was cleaning up a trail of cheese most of the day!:) All this happened while my sweet husbands watch:) I am grateful that he allows me the time to go and workout while he watches the kiddos! After all that I did some house work and then we went to the playground at church to meet Zach's cousin who is in town. All in all a good day!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Good Reports!

My 2 little guys(Micah &Isaac) had their well check with Dr. Jeff today! They both passed with flying colors! Micah weighs 37.5lbs and he is 38in talls. Our little square:) He is exactly were he is suppose to be! Isaac had his 4month appt. He weighs 19lbs 14oz. We almost broke the 20lbs mark! He is 28in tall, and he got his daddy's little head because he was above the 97th percentile on everything but he was in the 90th with his head:) I love my BIG BOYS! They both had to get some shots today which was not fun! We did Micah first because if he watched Isaac he would know what was coming and give us a fight. He did great, he took it like a champ! But he got upset when they were getting Isaac's shots ready. " Those sharpys are going to hurt my baby bruder(brother)!" Sweet boy was so worried about his baby! All in all it was a good visit and we are so thankful to have a house full of healthy boys!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sweet Friends!

We are so blessed to have such sweet friends and church family! There is literally no room left in my refrigerator from all the food people have brought by! This has been so nice not to have to worry about cooking( I think Zach prefers this:)) People have been so kind and helpful, I have never had so many offers for babysitters! Thank you everyone!!!! We could not have done it without you!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

God shall provide all our needs!

God is so awesome! I was at home yesterday afternoon, after running around like crazy trying to make arrangements for Zach's dad. I hear a knock on the door and it is a man and asks if this car is for sale. The car he is talking about is Zach's old car that no longer runs. Zach has been meaning to try and sell it for a while, but he stays so busy he has just not gotten around to it. So anyway this young man says "I buy cars that don't run, are you interested in selling?" I said "sure!" What makes this so awesome is that my sweet husband has been trying to raise money to buy is dad's headstone. We did not sell it for much but every little bit helps and we have faith and trust in God that he will provide the money, just like he did for the funeral! His fathers passing was unexpected, so we have had to scramble to plan this funeral. But God provided the money for it(his dad had not made any arrangements) God takes care of us!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Storms and Blessings

Something unexpected happen this weekend and caught us all off guard. I was in the grocery store on Sat. I get a call from Zach's mom and I can tell by her voice that something is wrong. So I ask "whats up" she tells me that Zach's dad had passed away and she was looking for Zach. Shock!!! I call Zach and he tells me that his sister(who discovered him) had called him and he was on his way over there. Unfortunately he found out that his dad was indeed gone.

The blessing comes is that we went over there fri night and saw him. Sadly we did not go over there as much as we should have and had been severel weeks since our last visit. This is so special to us because the kids(all but Eli, he spent the night with my parents for the first time) got to play with pappy and he took some pictures with his camera of the boys. I got these developed today, and it was so neat to see what he thought was "picture worthy." He loved his grandkids! We feel God granted him and us this time to say our goodbyes. All week he had been telling his mother that he needed to see his kids and gkids, so he planned fri nights event. We now understand his urgancy. God was guiding him so he could see his family. One thing that broke my heart, I was helping him learn how to use in new insulin pen and we went into his room to put it up and I noticed him messing with a picture of Eli and I did not think much of this, but I just noticed it. He placed it against the books on his shelf. The next day after his passing we are in his room and he had stuck that picture of Eli IN the books facing his chair so he could look at it. He passed away in that chair. He mentioned that night how he really wanted to see Eli. Breaks my heart that he did not get to. This just teaches how important your family is and to cherish your time together.

My prayers are with my sweet husband and his family during this time of grief.