Training them up in the way they should go? What does that really mean? These are both questions I had early in my mothering years. In those days I was just like so many mothers looking for someone to tell me how to do it. I knew I wanted two things or sure, godly children, and "well" behaved children. I thought arrogantly, "that's easy enough." I was so wrong and had so much to learn. I began this road by trying to do things like someone else or like a book would tell me, this did nothing but frustrate me. God blessed me with a very strong willed and active first born, he did not fit any mold. I also realized that I had somewhat left my sweet husband out of the equation. Don't get me wrong he would pray with him and things like that, but I was making most of the child rearing decisions and he went along with them.
After seeking God's word we sorta took a step back and revamped our approach. Zach began to lead and making most of the child rearing decisions and I began to learn how to follow. Those of you who know me realize that is not easy for me to do.:) Dont get me wrong I still ran the day to day stuff, but he decided the direction. This was so freeing to me! It put the "pressure" where it was supposed to be and really helped me not worry so much.
Now I am so far from perfect and I mess up daily, but my prayer for my children is that they come to know and love Jesus in spite of me. That is our principle/objective. I find sometimes they we can get hung up on the methods and loose sight of the principle. We as moms tend to do this more than anyone. As long as someones principle is ultimately Jesus then we should not get caught up on their methods. Sorry I will get off my soap box for the day.
I post this video not to say look at us, even though I am so proud of my sweet Micah, but I just want to encourage you mommy's to continue to love and train up your sweet children!