Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Isaac is 7 Months

My Sweet Baby Boy is 7 Months! I can hardly believe it, it seems just like yesterday he was born!
He is doing so many fun things right now! I love this age! He can get anywhere he wants to and just wants to get down and go! He has accomplished two new things just today. He grabbed the ottoman and pulled himself up to his knees, he very quickly fell backwards because he does not get the continually holding on thing! Another thing he did today was sitting himself back up after being on his stomach. He has done a lot today because this is the first day he has really felt good since Sat. He is a very happy and content baby and loves people and will go to pretty much anybody. He is such a sweetie, Love you Isaac Buggie!
You will have to excuse the no shirt, he was wearing his dinner!:)
This is Isaac trying to get the camera and eat it! He would not stay in one place, no matter where I went he kept trying to get the camera! I told ya'll he was active, but what do you expect from a boy!:)

1 comment:

  1. What? He is 7 months old! I cannot believe that. I was thinking more like 4 months. Time flies way too fast, doesn't it?
