Thursday, May 27, 2010

Last day of Pre-K

I meant to post these the other day, but here is Eli on his way to his last day of Preschool. He absolutely loved going to school! He has really grown up this year he is not a toddler or a little boy, but a full out big boy! Love you Eli!
Here is a picture with his teacher Mrs. Cox! We were so happy that he got her as a teacher, she was just what our spunky (strong willed) boy needed! She was firm but very kind had a detailed routine everyday and was just perfect for him. I no longer get rough reports from Sunday school teachers or anyone in a classroom environment! Like I said he is "spunky." We are praying he get a kindergarten teacher like her! Ahhhh Kindergarten!!! How did I get old enough to have a kindergartner!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So glad that Eli had a good year. I am right there with you... Still cannot believe that Caleb Davis will be starting kindergarten in the fall.
