Monday, March 15, 2010


Today was a typical Monday at our house. I had to catch up on some housework that I had let slide over the weekend, all the kids were grumpy from having a busy Sunday and Then I add trying to study for a test that I have to take tomorrow. Sigh...
I struggle with feeling like I am not doing good enough. Does that make sense? If I am cleaning the house than I feel like I am ignoring my kids and same thing with school. Confession, I love being with my kids but, I usually am thinking about what I need to get done that day. I feel bad saying that because I know there are mothers who would love to stay at home with their kids and are not able to. I know in my head that these years are precious, but on some days I just cant seem to cherish them the way I think I should.
My sweet husband often tells me not to put pressure on myself that every mother feels the same way at times. I just want what is best for my kids and that is mother who knows the Lord and lives the example of Jesus Christ. We as parents only have a few years to impact our kids for Jesus and as mother a huge part of their conversion is our responsibility. That is a huge pressure as the primary caregiver! I am working on trusting the Lord, and pray that my sweet children would grow to love Him in spite of what they see in me on Mondays like today. Sorry for getting on my soapbox, my heart just felt heavy after a long day. :)

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